By: Sandy Alqueza



With the issuance of Office Order No. 293-0051 dated January 15, 2013, Management Technical Committee (MTC) was officially created with the following composition:


            ENGR. WLISANDRO M. ALQUEZA  –  Chairman

            ROSAURO O. DAGA                                        ABRAHAM S. CALAWEN, JR.

            MYRNA R. VICTORIA                                       RESTITUTO B. BARON

            ENGR. RAMILA A. CONDEZ                             ENGR. DAVE JAMES B. DAWA

            ENGR. ELBEN S. DAQUIPA                              ENGR. KELVIN E. RUPISAN

            JONATHAN C. AGBON  –  Working Secretary


The 1st regular meeting of the MTC was held last January 23, 2013. Output of the said activity includes defining MTC functions and targets.


            With MTC, whose primary purpose is to evaluate engineering and maintenance works prior to its implementation through the office of AGM for operations, it is expected that the standards set by Planning and Design Division (PDD) will be considered for further review considering its manpower and equipment services, projected schedules and monitoring including material quality.


            MTC will have their regular meetings once in every two (2) months with special meetings for pre-construction and other related presentations.


            Next MTC scheduled meeting will be on March 6, 2013.